We are a Canadian, Mississauga Ontario-based organization that provides personal loans to Canadians on hard to finance purchases.
We know that financing a vacation lifestyle can be difficult. Often, the only option is credit cards or consumer loan companies who charge up to 25% interest. When purchasing real estate outside of Canada, the options or often even more limited. Local Banks will not finance condos or villas being purchased by Canadians.
Instead of using big Canadian Banks, VCC obtains its funding from CheckMark Financial Corporation. CheckMark offers 6% Bonds to qualified Canadians that can be held in RRSP’s. Rather than paying interest to the Big Banks, your interest payments benefit Canadians like you who are saving for retirement in their RRSP’s.
The Management Team of VCC has decades of experience in tax, finance and legal fields. We are committed to providing you with the best experience possible when you finance your purchase with a VCC Vacation Loan.
It is the mission of VCC to provide creative financing solutions for our Clients for a better future through family vacations.
VCC has offices around the world:
Head Office: 5500 Explorer Drive, Mississauga, Ontario
Affiliated Offices: